High Speed Internet Guatemala

If you are in need of high speed internet in Guatemala, we may be able to help you.  David Varner and his family lived in Guatemala for a period of time as missionaries, so they understand first hand the need for reliable internet in Guatemala.  When they returned to the United States, eventually GuatSat Communications was created to fill that need.

Initially we had every intention of being the first Viasat retailer in Guatemala and played a crucial part in Viasat obtaining their landing rights to operate in Guatemala.  However, due to technical issues on Viasat’s part, we still have not been able to launch this service.  So we started building towers locally in the Gualan, Zacapa region, built an office hub and brought the fiber to us.  Today we broadcast the same AirFiber Wireless services we offer here in the US, in Guatemala, reaching communities just like here for the very first time.

If you are in need of internet services in Guatemala, please let us know and we will see what we can do.


Guat Sat Communications is a separate legal corporation formed in Guatemala and has no legal ties to this company, other than David R Varner being the Founder of them both.