Lake Country Internet Launches another Tower

With the shutting down of the BIT (Buggs Island Telephone)’s Wildfire service October 7th, we have been HARD at work trying to expand our wireless Air Fiber service as quickly as humanly possible. Yesterday, we lit up another tower and are currently in the testing phase.

Once the testing is completed, this additional tower will allow us to quadruple our coverage area. So look for announcements in the coming weeks as to where this new coverage area will serve. In the meanwhile, Lake Country Satellite, our satellite division, has high speed internet available. Currently we have well over 1200 clients using our satellite internet service. Our plans are unlimited, but not at the same speeds, and have no long term contract. So this will help those rural internet clients who live on the fringes or areas we don’t yet cover with our wireless internet.

Lake Country Internet has and remains family owned and operated for two generations. We are committed to bringing our customers the best technologies, and quality products and solutions. Sometimes not at the best prices. That old saying you get what you pay for, is true with technology. We have experimented with lower cost technology, and have experienced a lower quality experience and coverage. We are doing our best to keep the costs down to our clients while keeping the quality up.

We are here for you!